Who We Are

We are the Organization for Autism Research, better known as OAR. OAR is an organization founded and led by parents and grandparents of autistic children, who serve as the Board of Directors providing leadership, life experience, and heart.

Quality of Life

OAR works closely with community members and partners to respond effectively and, rather than fund research on what causes autism, funds studies on topics that affect the day-to-day quality of life for autistic people such as education, parent and teacher support, communication, self-care, social skills, employment, mental health, and adult and community living.

One of the hallmarks of autism is that the characteristics vary significantly among different autistic children and adults. No two autistic people are the same. In addition, different autistic individuals will need support to greater or lesser degrees across a wide range of contexts. Autism is found in all cultures, genders, and socio-economic groups.


Autism abounds with personal stories of love, determination, and inspiration emerging from across the autism community. Through OAR’s commitment to applying research to the challenges of autism, more of these uplifting stories become possible. OAR’s grant funding, free resources, scholarships, and support programs open doors and pave pathways for autistic individuals and their supporters, empowering them to thrive throughout their lives.

Learn more about Organization for Autism Research here.
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