Ending Hunger

Rise Against Hunger, an international humanitarian organization, is growing a global movement to end hunger by nourishing lives, empowering communities and responding to emergencies. Through a global network based in the U.S. and with six international offices, the organization provides immediate nourishment for those facing hunger today and implements sustainable solutions that will lift entire communities for years to come.

Addressing Needs During Times of Crisis

In addition to providing meals and other assistance to people currently facing hunger and implementing sustainable agriculture projects that support long-term food security solutions, Rise Against Hunger is also committed to supporting those affected during times of crisis. From droughts to floods, in conflict zones and transitioning political situations, food is often the most immediate need. When everyday access to food, wages and market systems are destroyed in the wake of emergencies, Rise Against Hunger works through a network of in-country partners to address these needs. The organization strives to ensure food and other assistance is efficiently and effectively deployed and received in communities when it is needed most.


Rise Against Hunger has facilitated volunteer meal packaging of more than 600 million meals distributed to countries around the world. With the support of global impact partners, the organization practices locally led development by providing expertise vital to empower local communities and providing meals through local schools to incentive attendance and enable kids to obtain an education.

Learn more about Rise Against Hunger here.
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