Who We Are

We are World Animal Protection. We’re on a mission to change the way the world works to end animal cruelty and suffering. Forever.

For over 70 years, we have been rewriting the story for animals. Working across almost 50 countries with offices in 12, our activities focus on: exposing cruel systems, promoting, and supporting animal-friendly alternatives, influencing legislation for policy change, and campaigning to mobilize grass-roots influence. To make a positive impact for the largest number of animals globally, World Animal Protection prioritizes animals in farming and wild animals exploited for use in entertainment, as pets, and in

Our Work

Wild animals have a right to a wildlife. Millions of wild animals are taken from their homes or bred in captivity each year to be exploited at tourist attractions, sold in pet stores, or killed for their body parts. Marine mammals are held captive in tanks and forced to perform tricks for audiences. Reptiles, birds, amphibians, and small mammals are bred in warehouses where death and injury are seen as the cost of doing business to keep shelves stocked at pet stores. Globally, cruel industries such as big cat cub petting, elephant riding, bear bile farming, and trophy hunting persist.

Billions of animals are farmed for their meat, milk, eggs, skin, fur, or feathers around the world. The vast majority are confined to factory farms and subjected to extreme stress, pain, fear, and cruelty. It is estimated that by 2050 if nothing changes, farmed animal production will continue increasing and be at twice the scale it was in 2000. 

It’s time to rethink the systems causing the most harm to animals. We know change is possible. We are working to transform the systems that exploit, harm, and commercialize animals and fight to build a new world in which all animals are protected from cruelty and suffering. Forever.

Take Action

If you want to see the world fundamentally change its relationship with nature: to move away from cruelty and animal suffering towards a compassionate, sustainable future then join us. With every animal that’s taken out of factory farming, rescued from wildlife entertainment, or
protected in their natural habitat, we’re building momentum towards that future. 

To learn more visit: www.worldanimalprotection.us 

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